Personal Property Insurance in Mexico

Thu, 07 Aug 2014 19:03:13 +0000

Does My Car Insurance include Personal Property Coverage?

Let’s face it; you will have much to pack when you plan a Mexican vacation. In addition to sunscreen, you’ll bring your $1200 phone, $2200 laptop, and probably a $1500 camera lens; of course, the kids ‘iPads are $1100 each with the LTE International plan.  The surfboards, bikes, and GPS equipment… are all expensive.  So, if those are stolen from your car in Mexico? 

Does Mexican Car Insurance Coveross or Theft of Personal Property?

The quick and short answer is NO.  But there is a solution.

Personal Property Coverage

Your property coverage in Mexico, the United States, and Canada falls under a homeowner’s insurance policy. If you don’t have homeowner’s insurance or “renters insurance,” you should get it.  We only sell insurance for property in Mexico but check with your US insurance company; I’m sure they will gladly help. 

Another alternative means of coverage for personal property includes credit card benefits. Some credit cards lure new customers with purchase protection, including theft, loss, or damage, as long as you purchase the items with their card and keep all the receipts and documentation.   Specific terms always apply; please check with your credit card company.

Before you bring something to Mexico, ensure it’s covered if it’s valuable to you.

Your Mexican Car Insurance Policy

No matter what, your Mexican Car Insurance policy has no personal property coverage. Please keep that in mind. In car theft, the items within your car have no coverage under the policy. If the thing is attached permanently to the car, coverage will apply. But the Garmen GPS unit? Not unless it’s a permanent fixture (like professionally and permanently installed in your console).